Our Initiatives

Talash has undertaken a series of programme for realizing gender-violence-free society. The model-of-change focusing on individual transformation to collectivization, leading to actions for social change by Young Leaders remain at the core of each programme. Personal Safety and Wellbeing Education is the key tool engaged for personal transformation from powerlessness to choice and empowerment.

Violence against Children

Violence against children is a common global phenomenon. Children face violence at home, in school and within communities often by people they trust and daily interact with.  Apart from physical pain, violence undermines children’s sense of self-worth, affronts their dignity and hinders their development. Violence also perpetuates cycles of exclusion and poverty and has long-term social and economic costs for society.

Talash is currently involved in eliminating violence against children through the following projects. In all our endeavours, we focus on both aspects:

  • Response: in case of any occurrence, young leaders across the intervention areas are trained to intervene, offer psycho-social support and connect with system for redressal. 
  • Prevention: capacity building of individuals for combating such situations with ease and confidence; sensitizing communities; working towards systemic changes; and creating an eco-system.  

Early/Child & Forced Marriages 

The project is implemented in urban and rural locations in collaboration with ICDS systems (Integrated Child Protection Scheme) local governance and high schools, reaching out to adolescent girls/boys, parents/teachers and administration. 

Child Sexual Abuse

Implemented through urban and rural junior schools and Teachers Training Colleges, this project reaches out to children aged 6 – 9 years and their teachers. Therapy and personal safety education for parents is inbuilt into the initiative.  

Boys, Men & Masculinities

Gender socialization begin from an early age when children identify gender characteristics as they grow up and learn about socially desirable behaviors. Boys learn about behavior expected from men, who in most cultures is synonymous with being physically and emotionally strong, competitive, dominating and controlling.These stereotypes are reinforced through everyday transactions in family and society. The cultural construct of masculinity has damaging consequences for boys/men, girls/women and the society as a whole. 

Talash is engaged in projects that promote a culture of nonviolence while generating awareness and building leadership skills for united actions towards social change. 

Non-traditional Livelihood for Women

While working on prevention of child marriage, we observed that girls, who are delaying their own marriages, are keen to enhance skills for self-reliance. Interest in economic empowerment is high among young leaders, who we work with. Based on their interest, we started a process of referral to various livelihood programmes. Majority of the programme offer gender stereotype courses – tailoring, knitting, stitching, with low income. These are, in most cases not sustainable for women. 

In this context, we have developed partnership with Azad Foundation Kolkata for creating non-traditional job opportunities for young women from the communities. Women on Wheels programme of Azad Foundation empower women from resource constraint background to become professional drivers and earn remunerative livelihood with dignity.

Initiative in Child Care Institutions

Children living within child care institutions come back in the mainstream after turning 18. In institution care, children grow up in a confined space, away from societal dynamics. They are often not equipped with perspective, knowledge and skills to combat life challenges, particularly gender bias and violence. Thus, these processes are intended to enable children for re-integration. 

Interaction with Stakeholders of Child Protection 

Digital world and social media has brought in new opportunities – promising connectivity and contacts. Young people, across class and geographical locations are engrossed in this new found vocation. Talash has initiated a process to support children to enhance their voices in this sphere.

Digital Literacy & Empowerment

Digital world and social media has brought in new opportunities – promising connectivity and contacts. Young people, across class and geographical locations are engrossed in this new found vocation. Talash has initiated a process to support children to enhance their voices in this sphere.

Mainstreaming Personal Safety & Wellbeing Training

Violence against women and girls is a reality in our society. It happens within four walls of homes, in public spheres as well as in schools, colleges and workplaces. This is also a reality in state custody; happens to girls and women of any age, true for girls/women of any class, caste and color – a universal experience, a global phenomenon. This is a violation of basic human rights and outcome of a set of inter-related familial, social, psychological and economic factors.

Girls and women face various forms of violence throughout their life cycles, starting early in childhood, continuing through youth, middle age and old age. Thus, violence, sexual abuse and fear of sexual abuse remains one of the core challenges to personal safety of children, adolescents and women of any age, as well as persons with disabilities. 

In spite of this, skills of retaking control over lives, connecting with inner strength and strategies of fighting back are not part of our education system. Thus often they grow up with inadequate abilities to protect themselves from physical, verbal or emotional abuses.

Talash imparts TALEEM in school, colleges and workplaces.